Nachverkauf - Kontrolle 5/24 - (Lose 3 )
Nachverkauf - Kontrolle 5/24 - (Lose 3 )
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RICHARD TESCHNER (Karlsbad 1879 - 1948 Wien)
Konvolut aus zwei Zeichnungen

Sitzende, 1924
Bleistift/Papier, 33,9 x 26,8 cm
monogrammiert RT, datiert 24/4/24

Bleistift und Buntstift/Papier, 28,97 x 22,8 cm
beschriftet Schluss Triumphator

NACHVERKAUFSPREIS inklusive aller Abgaben € 280,24

RICHARD TESCHNER (Carlsbad 1879 - 1948 Vienna)
Bundle of two sketches

Sitting woman, 1924
pencil/paper, 33,9 x 26,8 cm
monogrammed RT, dated 24/4/24

pencil and colored pencil/paper, 28,97 x 22,8 cm
inscribed Schluss Triumphator

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"color:#00cc33">ESTIMATE °€ 150 - 300

The Austrian artist Broncia Koller-Pinell and mother of artist Silvia Koller was born Bronislawa Pineles in Subcarpathian Galicia. At the age of seven, she moved to Vienna with her parents. From 1881, she took lessons from the sculptor Josef Raab, then from Alois Delug. In 1888, she exhibited her works for the first time at the International Art Exhibition in Vienna. In the same year, the artist went to Munich for two years. After her return, she set up a studio on Piaristengasse and married the doctor and physicist Hugo Koller. The couple had Josef Hoffmann renovate a country house they had purchased in Oberwaltersdorf in 1904. It subsequently became a popular meeting place for artists and intellectuals such as Zülow, Mahler, Broch and Schiele. In 1908, Koller became a member of the “Kunstschau-Gruppe” and took part in their exhibitions. The lively exchange with artistic personalities such as Schiele and Gütersloh, as well as several trips within Europe from 1914 onwards, enabled her to intensively study the artistic trends of the time. Although her work has often been the target of severe criticism, she is now considered one of the most important Austrian artists.

The purchase price consists of the highest bid plus the buyer's premium, sales tax and, if applicable, the fee of artists resale rights. In the case of normal taxation (marked °), a premium of 24% is added to the highest bid. The mandatory sales tax of 13%, for photographs 20%, is added to the sum of the highest bid and the buyer's premium. The buyer's premium amounts to 28% in case of differential taxation. The sales tax is included in the differential taxation.

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Los: 9
KARL MEDIZ (Wien 1868 - 1945 Dresden)
Konvolut aus drei Porträtstudien

Damenporträt mit Hut, 1887
Kohle und Weißhöhungen/Papier, 63 x 47,8 cm
signiert K. Mediz

Porträt mit Kopftuch, 1886
Kohle und Weißhöhungen/Papier, 62 x 47,5 cm
signiert K. Mediz, datiert April 1886, beschriftet Georgenstr. 14

Porträtstudie, um 1886
Kohle und Weißhöhungen/Papier, 64,3 x 48 cm


KARL MEDIZ (Vienna 1868 - 1945 Dresden)
Bundle with three portrait studies

Portrait with hat, 1887
charcoal and white highlights/paper, 63 x 47,8 cm
signed K. Mediz

Portrait with headscarf, 188
charcoal and white highlights/paper, 62 x 47,5 cm
signed K. Mediz, dated April 1886, inscribed Georgenstr. 14

Portrait study, around 1886
charcoal and white highlights/paper, 64,3 x 48 cm

Studierte an der Akademie der bildenden Künste in Wien bei Christian Griepenkerl, an der Akademie in München und an der Privatakademie Julian in Paris. Er hielt sich in der Künstlerkolonie Dachau auf, war verheiratet mit Emilie Mediz-Pelikan. Mitglied im Hagenbund, schuf Landschaftsbilder und Porträts. Dem Jugendstil zuzuordnen, symbolistische Elemente erinnern an Ferdinand Hodler und Giovanni Segantini. Viele Reisen nach Ungarn und Italien, ab 1894 in Dresden.

Bitte beachten:
Der Kaufpreis besteht aus Meistbot zuzüglich des Aufgeldes, der Umsatzsteuer sowie gegebenenfalls der Folgerechtsabgabe. Bei Normalbesteuerung (mit ° gekennzeichnet) kommt auf das Meistbot ein Aufgeld in der Höhe von 24% hinzu. Auf die Summe von Meistbot und Aufgeld kommt die gesetzliche Umsatzsteuer von 13%, bei Fotografien 20% hinzu.
Bei Differenzbesteuerung beträgt das Aufgeld 28%. Die Umsatzsteuer ist bei der Differenzbesteuerung inkludiert.

Studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna with Christian Griepenkerl, at the Academy in Munich and at the Private Academy Julian in Paris. He stayed in the artists colony Dachau, as married to Emilie Mediz-Pelikan. Member of the Hagenbund, created landscapes and portraits. Attributed to Art Nouveau, symbolistic elements remind of Ferdinand Hodler and Giovanni Segantini. Many trips to Hungary and Italy, from 1894 in Dresden.

The purchase price consists of the highest bid plus the buyer's premium, sales tax and, if applicable, the fee of artists resale rights. In the case of normal taxation (marked °), a premium of 24% is added to the highest bid. The mandatory sales tax of 13%, for photographs 20%, is added to the sum of the highest bid and the buyer's premium. The buyer's premium amounts to 28% in case of differential taxation. The sales tax is included in the differential taxation.
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